Food Forecasting Analysis
- Tech Stack:Tableau, Python
- Github URL: Project Link
Food Forecasting Analysis
Superstore Food Forecasting Analysis is a project that aims to help a meal delivery company with demand forecasting using historical data. The project uses three different datasets containing information on demand for a product-centre combination, product features, and information for fulfilment centres. The project focuses on providing actionable insights that can help the client improve their procurement planning and staffing decisions. The project uses Python for data analysis, with Pandas and NumPy libraries for data manipulation. A Tableau dashboard is created to provide a granular view of demand in each centre, including product information. The dashboard includes charts and graphs that allow the client to easily identify which fulfilment areas are doing well and which aren't. The dashboard also includes centre-meal combinations to add nuance to the final submission.
Overall, Superstore Food Forecasting Analysis is an effective project that can help meal delivery companies improve their procurement planning and staffing decisions. The combination of Python and Tableau makes it easy to analyze and visualize data, providing insights that can drive better business decisions.